Monday, October 15, 2012


Hi !

I thought I would post a little bit about the plan I am going to be sticking with during the next 12 weeks. It is pretty much the same as before but with a few new ideas.

1. Aprox 1800 calories a day but I won't be counting. I am pretty good at knowing how many calories are in my food and how to balance everything. I am aiming for 6 meals a day. Breakfast (400),Snack (200),Lunch(400),Snack(200),Supper(400),Snack(200).......I am still nursing AND I will be working out 5x a week for about an hour each time so I think this is a good amount.

2.WATER.....I am REALLY and TRULY going to POUR the water down this time lol. I LOVE water and it is pretty much ALL I drink but I still just don't get enough.

3.I want to stick with the aerobics 3x a week and weight/resistance training 2x a week.About an hour each time. In our challenge I have 5 passes. That means I can skip 5 workouts for any reason I want in the next 12 weeks. That's IT unless something truly comes up that prevents me from exercising.

4. Treats......I am going to drink water,drink chia seed,brush my teeth and wait 5 minutes before I eat ANYTHING that is sweet and not planned. I want to REALLY be careful that I cut back on sweets and really THINK before I eat something.

5.SLEEP....I NEED to do better on sleep.

6. Weigh ONCE a week! Yes......Once a week on Thursday AM. This is going to be hard for me but I want to try it these 12 weeks and see if it makes a difference. I may change my mind on this one though.......:)

I just did an hour or Core Rythms.dancing. It felt GREAT!

Well,that's all for now!

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