Atleast not for me!:)
Yep, I caved. I was SO MISERABLE and was just so sick of it.
Dh is still going strong! (HE is so awesome and determined.)
Weight- 192
Milk supply- My baby is nursing and nursing so much through the night and I FEEL like their is less milk there. But I could be wrong. She is doing lots of gulping and her wet diapers are plenty so......
I ate normal food but did NOT pig out and didn't eat sugar/junk!
So the plan is for me to PARTIAL juice the rest of the week (MON-FRI) and then I will do 2 more days this weekend. That will be a total of 5 full juice days and 5 partial days. I am happy with that!
The partial fast
I will eat breakfast, lunch and my afternoon snack and that's it. The rest of the night I will have only juice with my dh.